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Though this site will cover many areas such as relationships, desire, the philosophy of love, my favorite past times - travel and photography, divine contemplation, the idea of personal goals and what success could look like, it will also address the areas of peace and the longing therefor. Visit -- The Intimate Longings Reserve new from the Ihoha Collection.

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Location: Michigan, United States

Complicated but Beautiful

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Power of Place

Earlier this year, I picked up a book at the Library (yes, those are still in existence) entitled The Power of Place: Sacred Ground in Natural and Human Environments by James A Swan. The book was about nature as teacher and healer (that is - when we listen). He and his wife Roberta offer tours and symposia on the topic. I'd like to hear from anyone who has taken one of their tours or knows about a landscape architect they mention in the book by the name of Lawrence Halprin. Mr. Swan is said to be an associate professor of anthropology at the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Again, how appropriate to add the subject of space to our theme on Intimacy. The space where you live, work, play, pray can fill you with peace, joy and happiness or it can drain every ounce of energy and peace from you and leave you wanting to run away.

You know, lately I have been hearing many friends say, Well, I wouldn't call my house a home. And considering that I just returned from East Africa, most of my friends there don't call their residences in the city home either - that's just their house where they do all the necessaries. They feel that their home is in the village from which they came and where (for many of them) their family (meaning parents and some siblings) still reside. Family is still in the village maintaining home.


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